The Harry Potter Series

The Golden Trio

The Golden Trio always stick together!!!!

By J.K. Rowling

Pull any copy of the series off a shelf anywhere in the world and you’re holding magic. 

The book starts with Harry as an infant, the child of a wizard and witch. He is suddenly left orphaned after an attack by the evil and powerful wizard Voldemort, a villain so dastardly that most wizards and witches refer to him as “You-Know-Who”. For some weird and unknown reason, Harry survived the attack. Yet, Lord Voldemorts powers broke. The news gets out almost immediately and Harry is hailed as a hero.

Not long after Headmaster Albus Dumbledore steps in and desides to leave Harry with his mothers sister, Petunia, and her husband, Vernon, along with their son, Dudley. They force Harry to sleep in a cupboard under the stairs and to wear their spoiled son’s old damaged clothes. Harry is basically a servant and a punching bag to his cousin Dudley. But worst of all, the Dursleys leave Harry unaware of such things as his heritage, the truth about his parents death and his emerging powers.

Read about Harry`s life as he finally gets to Hogwarts (wizards school), makes close friends, and go on adventure after adventure.

I would rate these books 10 out of 10 because, as I mentioned before, they are addicting. Everyone (And I mean everyone) loves the Harry Potter books. And you will too!!!

Thanks, and remember to leave comments on other books I should review!!!!!

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